Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I always Feel Like somebody's Watching Me

Who's Watching Me?
1. What hours does the singer work?
2. What does paranoid mean?
3. Name three people or organizations that may be watching him.
4. What everyday activity is he afraid to do?
5. What does he mean by "Psycho"?
6. Write a short summary of what the song is talking about.
Post your answers on comments on blog


  1. 1.Works from 9-5
    2.Thinking someones out to get you
    3.Neighbors,mailman and the IRS
    4. To take showers.
    5. Crazy
    6.He is talking about how he is scared someones always watching him. He is always Paranoid that someones out to get him

  2. • What hours does the singer work?
    • What does paranoid mean?
    Being scared of everything
    • Name three people or organizations that may be watching him.
    • What everyday activity is he afraid to do?
    • What does he mean by "Psycho"?
    the movie
    • Write a short summary of what the song is talking about.
    Post your answers on comments on blog
    Talking about how he is scared to do anything thoughout the day, because he feels like everyone is watching him.

  3. 1. What hours does the singer work? 9-5
    2. What does paranoid mean?worried about things
    3. Name three people or organizations that may be watching him.mailman neiobors,irs
    4. What everyday activity is he afraid to do?life
    5. What does he mean by "Psycho"?crazy
    6. Write a short summary of what the song is talking about. somebody watching his crazy ass and he is noid.
    Post your answers on comments on blog

  4. 1.he works from 9 to 5
    2.looking around scared and watching ur back
    3.the mailman, neighbors, and the people on tv
    5.being crazy pretty much
    6.this song was about a very paranoid person that feels like everyone is out to get him

  5. 1)9 to 5
    2)paranoid means afraid
    3)neigbors mailman, I.R.S,
    5)psycho means unbalenced or mentally desterved
    6)the song is talking about how he thinks somebody is watching him.
