Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

# 24 Wordles ENC 091/090

Go to www.wordle.net

From five of your journals copy the words. From each seperate journal paste the words in Wordle. Go to create/ paste/ go/layout/horizontal/layout/maximum words/30/ save to public gallery/ user name/ you/ title/give it one/ do this 5 times/ paste the link from the address box into this journal.

Choose one of the wordles to write another essay with the same topic as your first one/ it can be different.

Post link to five wordles.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Opposing Viewpoints

Go to the link. Opposing Viewpoints Links
You may choose one topic from the list of 8 subjects. Example (Society, Health) and one of the links listed below. Answer the Questions to Think about Post in Journal. Make a wordle page for each article. Post in Google Docs. Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints Links

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I always Feel Like somebody's Watching Me

Who's Watching Me?
1. What hours does the singer work?
2. What does paranoid mean?
3. Name three people or organizations that may be watching him.
4. What everyday activity is he afraid to do?
5. What does he mean by "Psycho"?
6. Write a short summary of what the song is talking about.
Post your answers on comments on blog

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Reading Blogs Week 2

Create an account

Use first name and bctc11 as user name example+ keithbctc11

Choose your own password

Choose a design that fits your style